Mushroom Marauder: Mushroom Education, Appreciation and Artwork

Now Introducing Shop By Design, a brand new way to peruse your favorite Mushroom Marauder artwork!

Founded in the begininng of 2022, Mushroom Marauder has been met with overwhelming support from the mushroom-loving community

Selling Adam's fungi-colored wooden carvings to a few friends has blossomed into selling an array of his Chlorociboria Creations and his wife Suzi's artwork to all 50 states and a dozen countries in just two years!

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Mushroom Prints / Wall Hangings

  • Lobster Mushrooms

    These beautiful, often gigantic mushrooms are actually *two* mushrooms, a host and a parasite! The parasite turns the unappealing host into the solid, bright orange choice edible that we lovingly know as "lobsters".

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  • Chanterelle Mushrooms

    Chanterelles are one of the most well known edible mushrooms in the world! They're Oregon's state mushroom, and for good reason: the forests of Oregon become absolutely inundated with the mushrooms during a good fall season.

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  • Morel Mushrooms

    Ahh, morels! The yearly easter egg hunt for adults! There's nothing *quite* like the thrill of finding a decent morel patch after dozens of hours on foot in an attempt to do so. Is it worth it? Yeah. Every single time. I am here for morel season.

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  • Oyster Mushrooms

    Oyster mushrooms are a prolific, wood-loving species that grows almost worldwide in some form or another. These "Pink Oysters" are a real species: Pleurotus djamor. They can actually be grown on your counter from pre-made kits!

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Want to learn a little more about us?

Head on over to Our Story to find out about the beginnings of Mushroom Marauder!

Our Story