Mushroom Marauder: Mushroom Education, Appreciation and Artwork
Now Introducing Shop By Design, a brand new way to peruse your favorite Mushroom Marauder artwork!
Mushroom Marauder
Fuck Nazis Chanterelle Mushroom | Unisex T-Shirt | Decent Human Being Apparel

Mushroom Marauder
"Fuck Nazis" Mushroom Sticker Trio | Chanterelle, Amanita and Porcini Mushrooms Holding Picket Signs

Mushroom Stickers | Beautiful, Clever, Original Mushroom Artwork
These mushroom stickers are one of our first products, and we couldn't...

Mushroom Apparel | Amazing Mushroom Artwork on Soft, High Quality Clothing
Our unique line of Mushroom-Themed apparel is a fantastic addition to any...
Mushroom Mugs | Glossy Ceramic White Mugs 11oz/15oz | Unique and Clever Mushroom Designs
These durable mugs come in two sizes and feature brightly printed, crisp...
20oz Mushroom Tumblers | Original Mushroom Artwork by Suzi McCrae
These 20oz straight skinny tumblers are vividly printed with Suzi McCrae's amazing...
Eco-Friendly Tote Bags w/Mushroom Artwork | Funny, Unique and Beautiful Designs
These Earth-Friendly totes are perfect for groceries, books, knick-knacks, or pretty rocks...
Shop | Mushroom Merchandise by Mushroom Marauder | Stickers, Prints, Apparel, Mugs and More!
Unique mushroom merchandise for the discerning fungi-lover! Foragers and amateur mycologists alike...
Chlorociboria Creations | Hand Crafted Art Made From Fungus-Colored Wood
Individually hand crafted wooden carvings made from self-foraged wood that has been...
Founded in the begininng of 2022, Mushroom Marauder has been met with overwhelming support from the mushroom-loving community
Selling Adam's fungi-colored wooden carvings to a few friends has blossomed into selling an array of his Chlorociboria Creations and his wife Suzi's artwork to all 50 states and a dozen countries in just two years!
Mushroom Prints / Wall Hangings

Mushroom Prints | Unique and Beautiful Fungi Artwork by Suzi McCrae
These beautiful sets of mushroom themed prints have each been specially crafted...

Lobster Mushrooms
Buy Now!These beautiful, often gigantic mushrooms are actually *two* mushrooms, a host and a parasite! The parasite turns the unappealing host into the solid, bright orange choice edible that we lovingly know as "lobsters".
Chanterelle Mushrooms
Buy Now!Chanterelles are one of the most well known edible mushrooms in the world! They're Oregon's state mushroom, and for good reason: the forests of Oregon become absolutely inundated with the mushrooms during a good fall season.
Morel Mushrooms
Buy Now!Ahh, morels! The yearly easter egg hunt for adults! There's nothing *quite* like the thrill of finding a decent morel patch after dozens of hours on foot in an attempt to do so. Is it worth it? Yeah. Every single time. I am here for morel season.
Oyster Mushrooms
Buy Now!Oyster mushrooms are a prolific, wood-loving species that grows almost worldwide in some form or another. These "Pink Oysters" are a real species: Pleurotus djamor. They can actually be grown on your counter from pre-made kits!