Mushroom Marauder: Mushroom Education, Appreciation and Artwork

Now Introducing Shop By Design, a brand new way to peruse your favorite Mushroom Marauder artwork!

Founded in the begininng of 2022, Mushroom Marauder has been met with overwhelming support from the mushroom-loving community

Selling Adam's fungi-colored wooden carvings to a few friends has blossomed into selling an array of his Chlorociboria Creations and his wife Suzi's artwork to all 50 states and a dozen countries in just two years!

  • Mushroom Blogs!

    Adam McCrae's Morel Hunting Blogs have helped hundreds of people increase their morel hauls, and even find their very first morels! With detailed tips on species for the PNW and also some more general morel knowledge than can be used worldwide, perusing these blogs before Morel season comes around again in the Spring might just give you an edge on the competition.

    Morel Mushroom Hunting Blogs! 
  • Mushroom Pinup Girl Stickers!

    "Even prettier in person! I want to put these on everything. Great design and quality."

    5 out of 5 Stars

    Ari P

    Aug 31, 2022

    Product: The Tantalizing Trio: A FunGal Triple Threat | Set of 3 Sexy Mushroom Pinup Girls

    Buy Now! 
  • Suzi McCrae's Graphic Design Website

    Suzi *can* create things besides mushroom-themed artwork, she just... doesn't do it that often, these days. If you'd like to take a look at her other work, or hire her to do some Graphic Design work, please feel free to head to her website! 
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Mushroom Prints / Wall Hangings

  • Lobster Mushrooms

    These beautiful, often gigantic mushrooms are actually *two* mushrooms, a host and a parasite! The parasite turns the unappealing host into the solid, bright orange choice edible that we lovingly know as "lobsters".

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  • Chanterelle Mushrooms

    Chanterelles are one of the most well known edible mushrooms in the world! They're Oregon's state mushroom, and for good reason: the forests of Oregon become absolutely inundated with the mushrooms during a good fall season.

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  • Morel Mushrooms

    Ahh, morels! The yearly easter egg hunt for adults! There's nothing *quite* like the thrill of finding a decent morel patch after dozens of hours on foot in an attempt to do so. Is it worth it? Yeah. Every single time. I am here for morel season.

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  • Oyster Mushrooms

    Oyster mushrooms are a prolific, wood-loving species that grows almost worldwide in some form or another. These "Pink Oysters" are a real species: Pleurotus djamor. They can actually be grown on your counter from pre-made kits!

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Want to learn a little more about us?

Head on over to Our Story to find out about the beginnings of Mushroom Marauder!

Our Story